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--- WATER ---

...What are 20 ways I can conserve water?
--- Check for leaks in your toilet tank with a few drops of food coloring or leak identification tablets. If the coloring appears within 30 minutes without flushing, you have a leak.

Fixing a leak may be as easy as tightening loose connections, wrapping joints with Teflon tape before reconnecting or replacing parts inside the toilet tank.

--- If your toilet was manufactured before 1992, replace it.

--- Fix leaky faucets.

-- Flush toilets less. Do not use your toilet as a trash can.

--- Place plastic bottles filled with water inside your toilet tank/s or use an inexpensive dam to block part of your toilet tank.

--- Install water saving shower heads.

Water saving shower heads use 25-50% less water than a normal faucet.

--- Install low-flow faucet aerators.

Low faucet aerators use 20-25% less water than a normal faucet.

--- Water your bushes, flowers, garden and lawn in the morning. Less evaporation.

--- Use trickle or drip irrigation systems for watering your bushes, flowers, garden and lawn.

--- If you have an irrigation system, be sure you are not watering the street, sidewalks or your driveway.

--- Wash your car less. Or even better, use a car wash that recycles their water.

--- Use your house water meter to check for leaks. To do so, check your water meter now. Then, after not using any water in your house for a period of two hours, check your water meter again. If the reading on your water meter is different, you have a leak.

--- Insulate your hot water pipes. In doing so, you will get hot water to your destination faster. Hence, you will not waste as much water waiting for the hot water.

--- Take shorter showers.

--- Turn the water off after wetting your toothbrush.

--- Fill the sink with water when shaving rather than running the water.

--- Use your dishwasher for only full loads.

--- Sweep your sidewalks, patios, driveways, etc. instead of using water.

--- Keep a bottle of water in the fridge. By doing so, you won't have to run the tap and wait for cold water.

--- Think before you use water. Then, when actually using the water, try and use less.

...What is "hard water"?
In the simplest terms, hard water is water that contains higher levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

...Can radon be found in water?
Yes, radon can be found in water.

...What is the optimum water temperature for hot water in my home?
A typical home's hot water temperature will be between 110 degrees and 115 degrees.
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