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--- JET SKIIS ---

Buying New:
...What 1 thing should I always do when buying a new jet ski from someone in person that could save me a lot of money?
After being given the price for the jet ski, always ask the salesperson…"Is that the absolute best they could do?".

I promise you, in more times than you could imagine, you will be amazed at the answer.

Buying Used:
...I found a used jet ski I would like to buy. How could I determine what I should pay for this used jet ski?
Look the jet ski up in the completed listings on

...I found a used jet ski I would like to buy. When trying to determine a price I should pay for the jet ski, what is 1 thing I must absolutely be careful about?
The one thing you must be absolutely careful about when you're trying to determine a price you should pay for the jet ski is that you compare apples to apples.

...I found a used jet ski I would like to buy. What should I always be careful of when trying to determine a price I should pay for the jet ski when using ebay's completed listings?
The one thing you must be very careful about when using ebay's completed listings for determining a price you should pay for the jet ski is that you look at jet skis that sold within a close proximity of your home.

...I found a used jet ski I would like to buy. When using ebay's completed listings for determining a price I should pay for the jet ski, why can't I use prices for jet skis that sold anywhere in the U.S. rather than just a close proximity from my home?
Prices for jet skis that have sold on ebay's completed listings will vary-sometimes dramatically, from one part of the country to another.

...What 1 thing should I always do when buying a used jet ski from someone in person that could save me a lot of money?
After being given the price for the jet ski, always ask the seller…"Is that the absolute best they could do?".

I promise you, in more times than you could imagine, you will be amazed at the answer.

...What are the 5 ways I could save money when having my jet ski repaired by my mechanic?
1.) Ask to if there are other manufacturers who make the parts rather than OEM.

2.) Ask them if there are used parts available.

3.) Offer to pay for the work in cash.

4.) If it's a local mechanic, see if you could barter your services for the work.

5.) Place an ad on CraigsList looking for a mechanic that works on your type of jet ski. Then, interview the responders.

Selling Used:
...I would like to sell my jet ski. How could I determine what I should ask for my jet ski?
Look your jet ski up in the completed listings on

...I would like to sell my jet ski. When trying to determine a price for my jet ski, what is 1 thing I must absolutely be careful about?
The one thing you must be absolutely careful about when you're trying to determine a price for your jet ski is that you compare apples to apples.

...I would like to sell my jet ski. What should I always be careful of when trying to determine a price for my jet ski when using ebay's completed listings?
The one thing you must be very careful about when using ebay's completed listings for determining a price for your jet ski is that you look at jet skis that sold within a close proximity of your home.

...When using ebay's completed listings for determining a price for my jet ski, why can't I use prices for jet skis that sold anywhere in the U.S. rather than just a close proximity from my home?
Prices for jet skis that have sold on ebay's completed listings will vary-sometimes dramatically, from one part of the country to another.
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