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--- HOME OWNER ---

...As a home owner, what is one big thing I should never let pile up?
As a home owner, you should never let home repairs pile up.

...As a home owner, what are the 3 reasons why I should never let repairs to my home pile up?
1.) They can become overwhelming.
2.) Letting one repair go for a long period of time can and usually will lead to additional problems.
3.) Home repairs can add up fast.

...Aside from a shortage of money, what is and/or should be a homeowner's number 1 concern?
Aside from a shortage of money, a home owner's number one concern should be any type of water problem with their house.

...What is 1 thing I really need to be concerned about with regards to my neighbors and my neighbors planting things in their yards?
You need to be aware if your neighbors are planting bamboo.

...Why do I need to be concerned if my neighbor is planting bamboo in their yard?
Bamboo is incredibly invasive. Before you know it, I promise you, you will have bamboo shoots growing and multiplying throughout your yard.

...What are 2 things as a homeowner I need to be concerned about with regard to my home?
1.) The condition of the trees on your property-especially the large trees.
2.) The water run off/drainage on your property. Is the water properly draining away from your home or towards your home.

...What are the top 10 questions I should ask myself before buying a particular home?
The questions below have not been listed in any particular order except for the first question.

1.) Could I really afford this home?

2.) Are there any wetlands on the land, especially a pond?

Stagnant water will bring insects, reptiles and other dangers, especially if you have small children.

3.) Am I happy with the location of the home on the land?
Remember, you cannot move a home. Actually, you can but at an incredible cost.

4.) Is the home located at the bottom of a slope, on level land, or at the top of a slope?
If the home is located at the bottom of a slope, you are almost guaranteed you will have water problems.

Other than financial problems, water problems are a homeowner's biggest problem.

5.) Is this house really what I want? If not, could I make it into what I want-at a reasonable cost?

6.) Does the home have enough bedrooms and/or bathrooms for my family? If not, could I afford to add an additional bedroom or bathroom?

7.) Does the home need any repairs? If yes, could I afford the cost for the repairs.

8.) Is the distance of the home to my job reasonable?

9.) What is the amount as well as type of crime in the city or town the house is located in?

10.) What are the taxes on the home?

If you have young children, be sure you ask yourself this question as well...
Is the home located in a town with a good school system?

...What is 1 thing I should absolutely do before moving into my new home?
One thing you should absolutely do when moving into a new home is paint including painting your garage floor as well as your basement floor.
I promise you, if you do not do it before you move in, 1 of 2 things will probably happen.

1.) You will be cursing yourself for all the time you're wasting moving everything around and not doing it before you move in.
2.) You will not do it.

Home Depot:
...How can I save money at Home Depot?
If you want to save money-big money at Home Depot (and who doesn't?), be sure you go to
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